Numar maxim participanti: 4-6 | Deadline: Martie 2017

Geta Marin Hair Academy iti ofera acum sansa de a patrunde intr-o lume fascinanta, plina de culoare si eleganta!


  • diploma acreditata;
  • asigurarea de catre scoala a tot necesarului pe perioada cursului;
  • prezentarea noilor trenduri;
  • vizionare de materiale sub forma de dvd, cd, retroproiector a celor mai cotate academii internationale: Vidal Sassoon, Toni&Guy, Patrick Cameron;
  • participarea, impreuna cu echipa Geta Marin, la toate evenimentele de caritate sustinute la nivel national;
  • posibilitatea de lucra cu echipa la toate prezentarile de Hair Style sustinute de Geta Marin pe sezoane ( tendinte primavara/vara si toamna/iarna );
  • posibilitatea de a participa impreuna cu echipa Geta Marin, la toate evenimentele ce sunt  programate pe perioada scolarizarii precum editoriale de moda si prezentari de moda in Romania si TV Shows ( Feeric Fashion Week, Fashion Philosophy, FESTIGAL  ) si la festivalele de moda internationale precum Milano, Paris sau New York;
  • asiguram training-uri si seminarii cu partenerii nostri, precum WELLA Professional;
  • poze pentru book cu make-up si hair – profesional intr-un cadru festiv cu ceremonial de final de curs cu decernarea de diplome;
  • in functie de rezultate, cei mai buni au un loc asigurat in echipa Getei Marin.

Vino cu un prieten si veti beneficia impreuna de o reducere speciala.



Frizerie – Coafor

BONUS: Manichiurist – Pedichiurist

Cursuri intensive sustinute in fiecare zi, de luni pana joi, intre orele 9.00 – 16.00.

Durata cursuri: 6 luni / 720ore.

Pret: 3000 RON 

Inscriere – Prima Rata: 1000 RON ( Martie 2017 )

 A doua rata: 1000 RON ( 20 Aprilie 2017 ) | A treia rata: 1000 RON ( 20 Mai 2017 )

Trainer: Geta Marin

Asistenti: Laura Pavelescu si Claudia Petrescu

La sfarsitul fiecarei luni, studentii vor sustine un TEST de evaluare, iar la sfarsitul celor 6 luni de scoala vom oferi o bursa integrala.

Descriere curs:

Luna nr. 1 

Este perioada de acomodare a cursantilor, in care acestia vor fi familiarizati cu  notiuni teoretice precum structura firului de par si morfologia faciala. In aceasta luna ei vor invata despre importanta igienei in acest domeniu, de la protectia imbracamintei clientului, pana la  ingrijirea ustensilelor si pastrarea postului de lucru intr-o perfecta stare de curatenie. Dupa prima parte a cursului va avea loc o evaluare in urma careia cursantii vor avea parte de o consiliere personalizata.  In a doua parte a lunii, ei vor avea parte de practica pe capete de antrenament.  Vor exersa spalatul, aplicarea tratamentelor necesare, masajul, coafatul din perie si feohn si folosirea corecta a aparatelor termice: con, ondulator, placa.

Luna nr. 2

In a doua luna lucrurile vor deveni si mai interesante. Cursantii vor fi introdusi in minunata lume a culorilor. Cunoasterea produselor de vospit, a codurilor, a nuantelor si reflexelor sunt o parte importanta din formarea viitorilor stilisti. De asemenea, ei vor invata cum sa aplice vopseaua de par in functie de structura sau necesitatile particulare ale diferitelor tipuri de par. Analiza – Diagnoza – Consultanta.

Luna nr. 3

In aceasta luna accentul este pus pe tehnici de decolorat si suvitat.

Luna nr. 4

Trecuti deja de prima jumatate a cursului, participantii sunt acum pregatiti pentru primele notiuni in arta tunsului.  Ei vor invata manuirea foarfecelor de tuns si pieptanat pe diferite lunigimi de par. Dupa un pic de joaca, ei vor avea ocazia sa se familiarizeze cu tunsorile omologate la femei: par lung, mediu, scurt, unghiuri etc .

Luna nr. 5

Aceasta luna este luna dedicata frizeriei si a tunsorilor barbatesti. Acum studentii vor practica tunsori cu pieptan si foarfeca, tunsul pierdut si tunsorile omologate pentru barbati.

Luna 6

BONUS – In ultima luna schimbam focusul de la par, la unghii. Cursantii vor primi notiuni de manichiura si pedichiura precum:  scurtarea si formarea unghiilor, cum sa efectuezi tratamente corecte si aplicarea lacului de unghii.

Pentru ca la noi sanatatea este foarte importanta, cursantii vor invata sa-si acomodeze corpul la conditiile de lucru – ergonomia  activitatii, cum sa evite pozitiile nenaturale, cum sa se aseze corect  si cum sa previna aparitia durerilor si a tensiunilor.


16-24 JULY 2016 – ALBA IULIA & SIBIU

Over 50 designers at Feeric Fashion Week 2016

Over 50 designers from all over the world have confirmed their presence at the first edition of Feeric Fashion Week.

The most important fashion week from Eastern Europe has changed its name this year, moving to the name consecrated to the major fashion weeks in the world.

This year Feeric Fashion Week shall take place between 16 and 24 July in Alba Iulia and Sibiu.

Last year, Eduardo Perez and Diego de Biase, the Argentine designers behind the brand Sarah Jessy Jones have opened, through the fashion shows from Alba Iulia, both the fashion week and the path of South American designers to the generous market of Eastern Europe. The success of the fashion shows put on by the two designers has lead to a really impressive list of South American designers for this year’s edition. Therefore, alongside various Argentine designers, the public will see collections made by designers from Paraguay and Chille. And the international participation at Feeric Fashion Week does not stop here. During the 8 days, on the Feeric Fashion Week catwalks shall be presented creations of famous designers from Singapore, Lebanon, Sweden, Malta, Serbia, Greece, Italy, France or Germany.

The festival is structured on three sections of fashion shows. The individual fashion shows shall be, each year, the main attraction of the most creative fashion show from Europe. The creations of the designers shall be presented on the wonderful streets from downtown Sibiu, in the garden of Brukenthal Palace of Avrig, to the Stairs’ Passage, or in the Fortified Church from Cristian. The spacious area of Redal Expo shall be transformed into Feeric Venue during the festival, where each night shall take place fashion shows. At the end of each festival evening, a themed party shall take place in Feeric Venue. The Feeric Gala shall close the Feeric Fashion Week in the Small Square on the footbridge parallel with the Bridge of Lies, may the most representative international image of the fashion week.

Various guests from the major fashion capitals have announced their presence at Alba Iulia and Sibiu for Feeric Fashion Week. Besides journalists and international bloggers specialized in fashion, at Feeric Fashion Week shall also participate: Andrea Garmendia, Argentine TV star, Anama Fereira, the manager of the most important models agency from Argentina, the famous Italian photographer Nicola Casini, Sherry Fan on behalf of the agency Sherry Models from Guangzhou, China or representatives of Wave Management Agency from Milan.

The session of accreditation for bloggers, photographers and journalists has been opened at the beginning of this week and is available on The access to the Feeric Fashion Week 2016 fashion shows is free.

Feeric Fashion Week is an event co-financed by the Local Council of Sibiu through the Mayor’s Office of Sibiu and is organized by the Mayor’s Office of Alba-Iulia. This year’s edition of Feeric Fashion Week is organized in partnership with Jidvei.